The Griffin List

The Griffin List: Find N.C. voters whose 2024 legal votes are at risk of not counting.

"Honestly, I'm livid. I've paid attention in the news but had no idea I was on the list. I was evacuated in Hurricane Helene. I had to be meticulous to be able to vote. I had to get a new Driver's License. I'm so angry about this. I don't understand how our democracy can be challenged like this. I'm dumbfounded." Elizabeth, Buncombe County voter

"I am speaking out to formally oppose the actions that Jefferson Griffin, who is attempting to disenfranchise me and undermine the integrity of the electoral process - I am a consistent voter and care about having my voice heard - I am deeply troubled by actions that Mr. Griffin is taking to thrown out my vote. I call on you to stop this action of trying to disenfranchise me and throw out the democratic process." Sara, Buncombe County voter

"I am disabled and my vote should count as it always has. I have been voting since the age of 18. I am a member of a military family (retired mother) and retired law enforcement (father). I have never had an issue with voting before. To deny my vote would be denying my rights under the constitution and my rights as a disabled person." Chaniece, Cumberland County voter

"I think what they are doing is absolutely undemocratic and I think it's a power grab. It violates the sanctity of our elections." Omar, Watauga County voter

"This is illegal. There is no reason why my vote should not matter. You don't get to change the vote just because you don't like the outcome." Olijah, Cumberland County voter

"I am very appalled that my vote will apparently not be considered because of this action. I am a proud, hard-working American citizen who has voted in elections since 2016. My vote as A North Carolina resident should be counted." Othello, Durham County voter

"I voted in person during early voting. I was asked for my ID, I handed them my NC Driver's license and then I voted. I have no idea why my name is on this list."Lisa, Carteret County voter

"I think this is ridiculous. I am a citizen and voting matters to me. I have lived in NC my whole life and my vote should not be cast away because someone can't admit defeat. It's a silly attempt to discredit the election. My vote should count as much as anyone else's." Lauren, New Hanover County voter

"It's none of their business. They need to keep their nose out of it. I don't who this guy is. My kids are better behaved than that. I'm retired military. I did 20 years and 13 days supporting our constitution. I'm very upset…. It's completely wrong." Jim, New Hanover County voter

"I vote Republican and I want my vote to be counted. I don't understand why Griffin would do this." Christopher, Johnson County voter

"My vote should count. I pay taxes. My voice matters, and my first amendment rights matter. Why should my vote be thrown away?" Kelvin, Pitt County voter

"I'm a 100% disabled veteran. I fought in the Vietnam War. My vote is important. It's unfair for my vote to be thrown out. We are trying to keep this country free." Roland, Cumberland County voter

"Voting is a right. Not a freedom that can be taken away if it is an inconvenient truth. Your vote counted. The election is not fair, or valid, until ours do too. You know what is right. Show us that you can do what is right." Susan, Catawba County voter

"I am a first time voter and I think it's so disappointing, sad, and awful that my vote is being deemed fraudulent. I voted to make a difference and elect the representatives I think will be best for our state. I filled out all the information I was given to register to vote and voted fairly." Virginia, Catawba County voter

"I don't know why my name is in this list. I am a registered voter in Davidson County. My husband and I early voted on the same day and he isn't on the list. I want my vote to count!" Brenda, Davidson County voter

"I registered to vote in 2020. I voted in-person in 2020 and 2024. Why would my vote be challenged? As a 20 year military veteran, I am outraged that the rights I fought to protect is being challenged now." James, Harnett County voter

"I am absolutely gutted. As a young college student, I find it important to keep up in my local and state elections. I did everything right. My voter registration was up to date and I had the documentation needed to fulfill my civic duty. Never could I imagine that a small minded man in politics would challenge my vote on the grounds of being a sore loser." Riley, New Hanover County voter

"I received a voter ID at the Wake BOE and had to verify my SS# to get it. The BOE definitely has my SS# on file. To have my vote thrown out because Jefferson Griffin can not accept defeat is infuriating and un-American. I complied with all election laws and there is no legal or ethical reason for my vote to not count." Connor, Wake County voter

"I have been voting in this county for years. …I did my research. I took time off of work. I stood in line for over an hour. I got my ballot. I cast my vote. My vote matters. I followed the rules and procedures given to me as a voter. Just because someone doesn't like the outcome of an election does not give them the right to throw out our opinions and rights." Alyxis, Chatham County voter

"I don't think it right to not count my vote, I am a Vietnam veteran and I risk my life fighting for my country."Woodrow, Wilson County voter

"I am a registered voter and showed my driver's license to vote. My vote is legal and should not be challenged." Jessica, Chatham County voter

"I have been voting for as long as I can remember and to target me for some unknown reason is heart wrenching. People have died for me to be able to vote. It's unfortunate that Mr Griffin can only win by attempting to throw out thousands of votes and if done I would lose my faith in our democracy." Cheryl, Lincoln County voter

"I am a registered voter in Gaston County, North Carolina. I take the privilege of voting very seriously and have voted in every election since I was old enough to vote. I am appalled that my vote, a sacred duty of an American citizen, is being thrown out and not counted. My vote is my vote and no one should take that away from me." Kathleen, Gaston County voter

"Mr. Griffin I voted legally, showed my driver's license. I have been voting for 35 years without issues, until now of course. My vote counts because I am a legal citizen of this state North Carolina, I have my rights as a citizen to vote without incident from a sore loser. You have no right to throw out my vote, it's not legal for you to do this to any of us. If you are allowed to do this than anyone who's unhappy with the outcome of an election can throw out votes when they want to and that is taking away the rights of the citizens unlawfully.” Connie, Carteret County voter

"I voted early in Clay County and was required to show my IDENTIFICATION to verify that I was a legal voter. I want my vote counted as a citizen as the United States of America." Roxann, Clay County voter

"I am a NC business owner and resident that spends my time focused on growing the NC economy, building employees, and raising my family. I am also a diligent voter and am 100% sure that I followed all relevant steps to be properly registered upon moving back to NC several years ago. Having my vote questioned makes me lose faith in democracy and the state of governance in NC. If someone had explained any deficiencies in my registration, I would have immediately addressed them, but I have been a regular voter and provided my ID at the polling station. This court challenge is crazy and, if allowed, will make me think twice about investing further in NC." Joseph, Durham County voter

"I have been a registered voter for 20 years. 18 of those years in Mecklenburg County, and 16 of those 18 years at the same address. I have voted in person in every major and most local elections without my vote ever having been previously contested. I registered correctly. I have a NC real ID. I voted in the 2024 election early, in person and showed my NC real ID. My husband voted alongside me and his name is not on the list. I am shocked and appalled Jefferson Griffin is trying to cheat so many of us out of legitimate votes. Should the court throw out my vote, I will lose what faith I still have in our government. My vote should count!" Jessica, Mecklenburg County voter

"Recently, I found out that my vote was being challenged by Judge Griffin as illegal or invalid. To say I was shocked and frustrated would be an understatement. I voted in person-- before I went to vote I confirmed my registration was up-to-date. When I was at my polling place, I showed my ID and provided my signature, as required. To have my vote challenged feels like an attack on my voice and my role as an engaged citizen. Antics like Judge Griffin's undermine the legitimacy of our democracy." Emily, Durham County voter

"I'm a legal registered voter in Chowan county. When I was notified that my vote was being questioned I went to the Chowan County Board of elections and asked if there was a problem with my vote. They could find no irregularities and no reason for my vote to be in question." Mary, Chowan County voter

"I took the time to go vote, filled out all my paperwork and showed the proper identification. I did everything right. It is insulting to know my vote may be thrown out on a technicality. As a dedicated participant of our democracy, I, along with countless others, deserve to have my vote accurately counted in the electoral process." Lorinne, Franklin County voter

"I'm a US citizen, born and raised here, in NC. I'm also a retired Sergeant Major who has served my country in the United States Army for over 25 years. I don't know what's going on here, about not counting my vote (the first time I've heard of such). However, if we are to have any sort of democracy, then each and every eligible citizen vote needs to be counted. 'Plain and Simple'" Michael, Cumberland County voter

"I'm a legal US citizen, I've been voting in every NC election since I was 18 years old, and my vote counts! I deserve to have myself represented in this state and this country, and Mr. Griffin's shameful attempt to throw out legal and accurate votes in NC should be stopped immediately. It has repeatedly been shown that these votes, including mine, are legal and accountable, and this is a blatant attempt at voter suppression." Ruth, Buncombe County voter

"As a military veteran who served my country to defend the freedom of choice it is wrong for someone's vote not to be counted."Patrick, Brunswick County voter

"My vote should count because I'm a legally registered citizen and have voted this way for years with no issues. Stealing votes from citizens is un-American." McKinley, Gaston County voter

"I have been voting in elections since I was of legal wage to do so. It is a responsibility that I take seriously and prioritize. I offered a driver’s license when voting and was not asked any questions regarding my eligibility. To have my voting record flagged as potentially invalid in an attempt to sway the outcome of an election is a violation of my rights as a citizen of this country and in my opinion, an embarrassing low point in the politics of our state." Kathryn, Orange County voter

"I voted early at a large polling place in my county, where my name and address were verified via my valid NC license. The fact that my name is on this list for 'incomplete voter information', referring to either my ssn/license #, is truly mind-boggling. I presented my license before voting, therefore my license number should appear on record. My name should not be on this list. My vote is valid and should remain as such." Carly, Cumberland County voter

"I have voted in nearly every election since I was 18 years old, for over 20 years now. Our right to vote and our votes are incredibly important tools in the functioning of our democracy. My vote shouldn't be thrown out because the loser didn't get the results he wanted. Is it because I'm unaffiliated? Is it because I voted blue in a red county? Is it because of my foreign last name? Tell me, what made Griffin pick my name? Someone who has voted for so long? If we cherry pick votes to be thrown out based on the loser's preferences and biases, and then allow that to happen, are we really even in a democracy?" Amber, Madison County voter

"It is dishonest and pitiful to attempt to throw out votes when you lose an election."Alex, Orange County voter

"I am a student at WCU and I voted for the first time in 2024. I've been waiting 18 years to make a difference in my community and it felt great when I was finally able to, but when I got a text saying my vote could be thrown out, I was crushed.… While I still don't understand why I am one of the votes that could be thrown out, I do know that I deserve the right to vote, as well as the thousands of others that are being challenged. My viewpoint on the current political climate was already not very enthusiastic, but this situation makes me lose even more hope in the United States government's ability to govern fairly." Elle, Jackson County voter

"I take my right to vote very seriously and have voted in every election cycle since 1982 without fail or issue. It is quite upsetting to find that my vote has been called into question for no reason other than political gamesmanship. It is precisely this type of threat to our democracy that made voting in this election so important and why I research each candidate on the ballot putting a great deal of thought into my vote. It is of the utmost importance that our trusted election procedures are upheld by our courts. I voted in person and poll workers verified my information and registration. There is no reason my vote should have been allowed to be questioned." Karen, Transylvania County voter

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